Ms. Pohlman's Classroom Website


Welcome to our classroom webpage! 

Class News

  • Follow our class on Twitter! @Pohlman1stgrade
  • Look out for the First Grade News and Family Letter on Monday!
  • Email Ms. Pohlman if you are interested in volunteering in our classroom!  We can always use your support during writing and math.

Our Learning


We are learning to write personal narratives about small moments in our lives.  These are true stories that span across three pages and tell what happened first, next, and last.  Students use a writing process where they:
1. Think of an idea

2. Plan by touching each page and telling what happened first, next, and last

3. Write!

4. Revise by looking at the pictures, remembering that time, and asking who, what, when, where, and how to add more

Writers work with partners to help them think of ideas, plan, and revise their work by adding more.  Partners listen with their whole body and brain so that they can ask meaningful questions to help expand their partner's ideas.


We are learning that readers build good habits that help them grow as readers.  Good reading habits include:

  • Taking a sneak peak to get ready to read
  • Doing something at the end of a book
  • Practicing every day by reading more and more
  • Setting goals for reading

We are learning to add numbers to 10 by using multiple strategies.  Strategies are the ways we go about solving problems.  There are many different ways to add!  When you use more than one way, or strategy, then you deepen your understanding of the problem at hand and addition in general.

We are using what we know about addition facts to 10 to learn the communicative property of addition (that the order of the additive numbers doesn't matter, for example: 3+2=5 and 2+3=5)

When we use number sentences to express mathematics, it is important to know that equal means "the same as."  It is more than just the symbol that comes before the answer.  It is a symbol that means whatever is on either side is the same!


*We have not yet begun our science unit

We will be studying the phases of the moon cycle.  Our young scientists will learn that scientists take data (learn information about the world) by making observations and looking for patterns.  We will look for the moon every night, and draw our observations about what the moon looks like.  Then we will look for patterns in our moon data that suggest the moon moves through phases that cycle.  In class, we will dive deeper into WHY the moon has phases, and why our earth experiences daytime and nighttime.


We have talking about what it means to have self-control and show respect

This week, we will start to talk about our personal strengths, and how to identify and build on them


Homework will be sent home every Friday.  It is to be returned to school with your child the following Friday.  The packets are meant to be completed as daily practice over the week, not all in one night. If you have any questions about homework, you can write me a note on your child's packet or contact me via phone or email anytime!

With the homework packet, you will find a reading log.  Although there are no required minutes on the form, try to make sure your child is reading, or being read to, for about 20 minutes every day.  Think of this as more of a guideline.  Completing minutes should not be a forced chore!  More importantly than anything else, time with books should be enjoyable.

Along with the homework packets, your child will take home all their finished (and sometimes unfinished) work from the week on Friday.  If you see any unfinished work, please help your child to complete it!  This does not need to be returned to school.  It is just for you to see what we are doing in class and celebrate your child's accomplishments or help them do the work they need to do to catch up.

Important Dates and Upcoming Events 

September 27 - Picture Day

September 27 6:30 to 7:30 - PTSA S'mores and Family Night 

October 4 - PTSA Fundraiser begins

October 14 - NO SCHOOL

October 22 - PTSA Carnival and Trunk or Treat

October 31 - Class Halloween Party! (Volunteers needed!)